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Find mental health supports in your region of Nova Scotia and online including peer support, counselling, clinical support, and more.
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More than 6.7 million people in Canada are living with a mental health problem or illness today. By comparison 2.2 million people in Canada have type 2 diabetes . 1

By the time people reach 40 years of age, 1 in 2 people in Canada will have had or have a mental illness. 2
About 4,000 Canadians per year die by suicide – an average of almost 11 suicides a day.
It affects people of all ages and backgrounds.

(1) Mental Health Commission of Canada: (Page 1 Paragraph 3)
(2) Mental Health Commission of Canada: (Page 1 Paragraph 3)
(3) Statistics Canada (2020). Deaths and age-specific mortality rates, by selected grouped causes. Table 13-10-0392-01.