Kids Help Phone
Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free)
or text CONNECT to 6868681

Transgender Crisis Support

Mi’kmaw Crisis and Referral
Toll free 24/7 to Mi’kmaw people across the province 

This is not a treatment or referral site.
If you are in crisis or looking for support, please contact one of the following supports

Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line
(toll-free) 1-888-429-8167 or call 911 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department.

Canada Suicide Prevention Service
Call  9.8.8 or 1-833-456-4566
(24/7)or text 45645 (5 pm to 12 am)

Kids Help Phone
Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free)
or text CONNECT to 6868681

Transgender Crisis Support

Mi’kmaw Crisis and Referral
Toll free 24/7 to Mi’kmaw people across the province 

This is not a treatment or referral site.
If you are in crisis or looking for support, please contact one of the following supports

Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line
(toll-free) 1-888-429-8167 or call 911 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department.

Canada Suicide Prevention Service
Call  9.8.8 or 1-833-456-4566
(24/7)or text 45645 (5 pm to 12 am)

click here for crisis supports

Self-Help, Peer Support,
and Training Resources

Clinical Services
and Counselling

Social Prescribing and
Wellness Supports


In this section, you can find communities of support for mental health and substance use. These communities are made up of people who understand what you’re going through and are ready to help. Get connected online, by phone, or text.


Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Discover tools to help support your mental health efforts in creating a space where workers feel safe, respected, and valued.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

kids help line

More than a helpline. Call, text, chat and more to get free, confidential support using Kids Help Phone’s 24/7 e-mental health services in both English and French.

Text: 686868

AGE GROUPS: Children / Youth

MindWell U


When you join you’ll learn how ‘mindfulness-in-action’ is the fastest way to decrease stress, increase resilience, improve your mental health, and make you more capable to handle all of life’s challenges.

Visit Mindfulness-In-Action

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

MindShift CBT

Is anxiety getting in the way of your life? MindShift CBT uses scientifically proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to take charge of your anxiety.

Visit MindShift CBT

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Wellness Together Canada

Wellness Together Canada is a mental health and substance use website to support people across Canada and Canadians living abroad in both official languages.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

National Overdose Response

The National Overdose Response Service is an overdose prevention hotline for all Canadians. NORS provides loving, anonymous, non-judgmental support for you whenever and wherever you use drugs.


Call 9-1-1 in case of emergency

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

lifewise peer support

The power of routine in mental health and substance use recovery is incredible. Facilitated by trained staff, Lifewise Peer Group Support offers positive reinforcement and consistency for those living within recovery through engaging discussions and activities.

Need to talk to someone?
Lifewise Family Group Support is here to listen 10AM-12AM Daily

Our family groups are available:
Thursdays 3:30-5:00 PM (EST) & Sundays 11:30-1:00 PM (EST)

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

peer support nova scotia

The Peer Support Phone Service is available to all Nova Scotians 18 and older. If you are feeling distressed, anxious, alone, or need someone to talk to, give us a call.  We’re here to listen and support you.

Call toll-free: 1-800-307-1686

Wednesdays to Fridays from 5 PM – 11 PM
Saturdays and Sundays from 11 AM – 11 PM
(Closed Mondays and Tuesdays)

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors

capsa Peer Support

CAPSA’s All People, All Pathway groups provide a safe and inclusive community of support for those who are questioning their relationship with substances. Meetings are held regularly over Zoom.

These groups provide a safe and aware environment, free from stigma or discrimination. Meetings are facilitated by trained Peer Supporters, and are inclusive of all individuals who are seeking increased health in their relationship with substances. Their families, allies, and professionals are all welcome to attend as well.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


The Peer Support Warm Line is a free and confidential phone service. It is provided by trained Peer Supporters. Peer Supporters are people who have experienced mental health and/or substance use challenges. They can offer supportive conversations from the perspective of someone who has been there. The Warm Line is a great choice if you’re feeling lonely, isolated, or anxious. You can also reach out if you’re just in need of a friendly ear.

Call 1-888-768-2488

Available between 4:00 pm and 12:00 am (EST), 7 days a week

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


Online Peer Support Forum

Togetherall’s peer-to-peer platform is a safe space to connect with others. Here, you can find people who are experiencing something similar or have been there before. The Togetherall boards are a place to anonymously chat about whatever’s on your mind. You can talk about anything from mental health to substance use to everyday concerns.

You can also message with the Wall Guides. They are trained counsellors who are available 24/7.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors

Gambling Support Network

Five easy steps that you can take to help decide if you need to change the way you gamble. Options include text message/SMS motivational support, secure chat, group forums, online calculator and more.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

my grief is an online resource to help people move through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at their own pace. It can help you understand your grief and approach some of the most difficult questions that may arise.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating)…

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Eating Disorders Peer Support

Eating Disorders Online Peer Support

A safe, pro-recovery space for people with eating disorders to connect, learn, and grow. There is no diagnosis or referral needed and our online peer support is accessible from any smart phone, tablet or computer with internet access.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


Togetherall is a clinically moderated, online peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers individuals to anonymously seek and provide support 24/7.

Visit Togetherall

Free online mental health and wellbeing support, 24/7

Available to you through your local area, supporting residents of Nova Scotia (16+)

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Well Central

Designed to support you on your personal path, Well Central’s Virtual Recovery College is a self-directed, web-based online channel with free interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their recovery and well-being.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


Tranquility is an internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) program that has been shown to be effective in improving outcomes and reducing symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Users of the program will have 24/7 access to program content, completing 9-12 modules for the core programs, with unlimited access to coaching for up to 26 weeks, over in-app messaging and/or weekly video or phone sessions. There is no cost to the users of the program. Tranquility is available in English and French.

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


We’re all in this together

On this page, you can find communities of support for mental health and substance use. These communities are made up of people who understand what you’re going through and are ready to help. Get connected online, by phone, or via Zoom.


Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Discover tools to help support your mental health efforts in creating a space where workers feel safe, respected, and valued.

Visit HealthyMinds@Work

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French. Services include mental health tips and info, crisis support, professional counselling, quizzes, games and…

Visit Kids Help Phone

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Mental Health 101

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Knowledge is power. This series of free online tutorials is a starting point for learning about mental health.​ You can come away with a greater understanding of the mental health concern you are interested in knowing more about. The tutorials can…

Visit Mental Health 101

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

MindShift CBT

Anxiety Canada

Is anxiety getting in the way of your life? MindShift™ CBT uses scientifically proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to…

Visit MindShift CBT

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth

Wellness Together Canada

Wellness Together Canada

Wellness Together Canada is a mental health and substance use website to support people across Canada and Canadians living abroad in both official languages. They provide the following resources for you at no cost:

  • Immediate text support
  • Informatio…

Visit Wellness Together Canada

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

National Overdose Response Service

Call 1-877-345-6677

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Call 1-877-345-6677 to speak with a trained peer support worker.

The National Overdose Response Service is an overdose prevention hotline for all Canadians. NORS provides loving, anonymous, non-judgmental support for you whenever and wherever you use drugs. 

NORS is available in French and English 24/7 and 365 days a year. Our confidential service is here to support and answer any questions you may have about you or your loved one’s substance use. 

NORS helps Canadians with sourcing harm reduction resources in their area as requested.

Family Peer Support Group

Register Now

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Our families can play a major role in substance use and recovery support, and the journey affects everyone differently. Lifewise Family Group Support focuses on the needs of the family member (including “family of choice”) as they support a loved one with mental health and substance use issues. Our family groups are available:

Thursdays 3:30-5:00 PM (EST) & Sundays 11:30-1:00 PM (EST)

Group Peer Support

Register Now

*Call 911 in case of emergency

The power of routine in mental health and substance use recovery is incredible. Facilitated by trained staff, Lifewise Peer Group Support offers positive reinforcement and consistency for those living within recovery through engaging discussions and activities.

Delivered from a holistic approach, our wide range of group topics include discussions on issues such as isolation, medication, and finances and also include engagement through food, art, and music. Our peer groups are available:

Thursdays 7:00-8:30 PM (EST) & Sundays 3:30-5:00 PM (EST)

Substance Use Peer Support

Find meeting times

*Call 911 in case of emergency

CAPSA: All People, All Pathways

CAPSA’s All People, All Pathway groups provide a safe and inclusive community of support for those who are questioning their relationship with substances. Meetings are held regularly over Zoom.

These groups provide a safe and aware environment, free from stigma or discrimination. Meetings are facilitated by trained Peer Supporters, and are inclusive of all individuals who are seeking increased health in their relationship with substances. Their families, allies, and professionals are all welcome to attend as well.

Online Peer Support Forum
Join the Togetherall community

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Togetherall’s peer-to-peer platform is a safe space to connect with others. Here, you can find people who are experiencing something similar or have been there before. The Togetherall boards are a place to anonymously chat about whatever’s on your mind. You can talk about anything from mental health to substance use to everyday concerns.

You can also message with the Wall Guides. They are trained counsellors who are available 24/7.


Available between 4:00 pm and 12:00 am (EST), 7 days a week

Call 1-888-768-2488

*Call 911 in case of emergency
The Peer Support Warm Line is a free and confidential phone service. It is provided by trained Peer Supporters. Peer Supporters are people who have experienced mental health and/or substance use challenges. They can offer supportive conversations from the perspective of someone who has been there. The Warm Line is a great choice if you’re feeling lonely, isolated, or anxious. You can also reach out if you’re just in need of a friendly ear.

When you call the number above, you’ll be connected with a trained Peer Supporter. If you don’t get through right away, don’t worry: that means all the Peer Supporters are currently talking to somebody else. We recommend waiting a little bit and then calling again.

Eating Disorders Online Peer Support

Eating Disorders Nova ScotiaThis tool is not administered by Nova Scotia Health Authority. Tool Information may be incorrect and/or out of date. Confirm details with the tool provider.

A safe, pro-recovery space for people with eating disorders to connect, learn, and grow. There is no diagnosis or referral needed and our online peer support is accessible from any smart phone, tablet or computer with internet access.

Visit Eating Disorders Online Peer Support

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth

Gambling Support Network

Government of Nova Scotia

Five easy steps that you can take to help decide if you need to change the way you gamble. Options include text message/SMS motivational support, secure chat, group forums, online calculator and more.

Visit Gambling Support Network

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

MindWell U

MindWell U – Mindfulness-In-Action

When you join you’ll learn how ‘mindfulness-in-action’ is the fastest way to decrease stress, increase resilience, improve your mental health, and make you more capable to handle all of life’s challenges.

Join now to see positive changes in all…

Visit MindWell U

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

Canadian Virtual Hospice is an online resource to help people move through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at their own pace. It can help you understand your grief and approach some of the most difficult questions that may arise. It was developed…


AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors

SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating)…

Visit SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors


Togetherall is a clinically moderated, online peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers individuals to anonymously seek and provide support 24/7.

Togetherall provides millions of people access to a safe and supportive online community where…

Visit Togetherall

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth


Green Shield Canada

Tranquility is an internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) program that has been shown to be effective in improving outcomes and reducing symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Users of the program will have 24/7 access to…

Visit Tranquility

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

Well Central & Well-being Course

Canadian Mental Health Association

Well Central is an accessible and completely free virtual Recovery College offering interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their mental health and well-being. The Well-being Course, the first course to be offered on the Well…

Visit Well Central & Well-being Course

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth


We’re all in this together

On this page, you can find communities of support for mental health and substance use. These communities are made up of people who understand what you’re going through and are ready to help. Get connected online, by phone, or via Zoom.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French. Services include mental health tips and info, crisis support, professional counselling, quizzes, games and…

Visit Kids Help Phone

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Children /  Youth

Mental Health 101

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Knowledge is power. This series of free online tutorials is a starting point for learning about mental health.​ You can come away with a greater understanding of the mental health concern you are interested in knowing more about.

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

MindShift CBT

Anxiety Canada

Is anxiety getting in the way of your life? MindShift™ CBT uses scientifically proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to…

Visit MindShift CBT

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth

Wellness Together Canada

Wellness Together Canada

Wellness Together Canada is a mental health and substance use website to support people across Canada and Canadians living abroad in both official languages. They provide the following resources for you at no cost:

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

National Overdose Response Service

Call 1-877-345-6677

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Call 1-877-345-6677 to speak with a trained peer support worker.

The National Overdose Response Service is an overdose prevention hotline for all Canadians. NORS provides loving, anonymous, non-judgmental support for you whenever and wherever you use drugs. 

NORS is available in French and English 24/7 and 365 days a year. Our confidential service is here to support and answer any questions you may have about you or your loved one’s substance use. 

NORS helps Canadians with sourcing harm reduction resources in their area as requested.

Family Peer Support Group

Register Now

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Our families can play a major role in substance use and recovery support, and the journey affects everyone differently. Lifewise Family Group Support focuses on the needs of the family member (including “family of choice”) as they support a loved one with mental health and substance use issues. Our family groups are available:

Thursdays 3:30-5:00 PM (EST) & Sundays 11:30-1:00 PM (EST)

Group Peer Support

Register Now

*Call 911 in case of emergency

The power of routine in mental health and substance use recovery is incredible. Facilitated by trained staff, Lifewise Peer Group Support offers positive reinforcement and consistency for those living within recovery through engaging discussions and activities.

Delivered from a holistic approach, our wide range of group topics include discussions on issues such as isolation, medication, and finances and also include engagement through food, art, and music. Our peer groups are available:

Thursdays 7:00-8:30 PM (EST) & Sundays 3:30-5:00 PM (EST)

Substance Use Peer Support

Find meeting times

*Call 911 in case of emergency

CAPSA: All People, All Pathways

CAPSA’s All People, All Pathway groups provide a safe and inclusive community of support for those who are questioning their relationship with substances. Meetings are held regularly over Zoom.fe and aware environment, free from stigma or discrimination. Meetings are facilitated by trained Peer Supporters, and are inclusive of all individuals who are seeking increased health in their relationship with substances. Their families, allies, and professionals are all welcome to attend as well.

Online Peer Support Forum
Join the Togetherall community

*Call 911 in case of emergency

Togetherall’s peer-to-peer platform is a safe space to connect with others. Here, you can find people who are experiencing something similar or have been there before. The Togetherall boards are a place to anonymously chat about whatever’s on your mind. You can talk about anything from mental health to substance use to everyday concerns.

You can also message with the Wall Guides. They are trained counsellors who are available 24/7.


Available between 4:00 pm and 12:00 am (EST), 7 days a week

Call 1-888-768-2488

*Call 911 in case of emergency
The Peer Support Warm Line is a free and confidential phone service. It is provided by trained Peer Supporters. Peer Supporters are people who have experienced mental health and/or substance use challenges. They can offer supportive conversations from the perspective of someone who has been there. The Warm Line is a great choice if you’re feeling lonely, isolated, or anxious. You can also reach out if you’re just in need of a friendly ear.

When you call the number above, you’ll be connected with a trained Peer Supporter. If you don’t get through right away, don’t worry: that means all the Peer Supporters are currently talking to somebody else. We recommend waiting a little bit and then calling again.

Once you’re connected with a Peer Supporter, they’ll listen to what’s on your mind. They can give you information about mental health and substance use and point you towards other helpful resources.

Eating Disorders Online Peer Support

Eating Disorders Nova Scotia

A safe, pro-recovery space for people with eating disorders to connect, learn, and grow. There is no diagnosis or referral needed and our online peer support is accessible from any smart phone, tablet or computer with internet access.

Visit Eating Disorders Online Peer Support

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth

Gambling Support Network

Government of Nova Scotia

Five easy steps that you can take to help decide if you need to change the way you gamble. Options include text message/SMS motivational support, secure chat, group forums, online calculator and more.

Visit Gambling Support Network

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

MindWell U

MindWell U – Mindfulness-In-Action

When you join you’ll learn how ‘mindfulness-in-action’ is the fastest way to decrease stress, increase resilience, improve your mental health, and make you more capable to handle all of life’s challenges.

Join now to see positive changes in all…

Visit MindWell U

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

Canadian Virtual Hospice is an online resource to help people move through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at their own pace. It can help you understand your grief and approach some of the most difficult questions that may arise. It was developed…


AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors

SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating)…

Visit SMART Recovery – Self-Management And Recovery Training

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors



Togetherall is a clinically moderated, online peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers individuals to anonymously seek and provide support 24/7.

Togetherall provides millions of people access to a safe and supportive online community where…

Visit Togetherall

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth


Green Shield Canada

Tranquility is an internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) program that has been shown to be effective in improving outcomes and reducing symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Users of the program will have 24/7 access to…

Visit Tranquility

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Seniors /  Youth

Well Central & Well-being Course

Canadian Mental Health Association

Well Central is an accessible and completely free virtual Recovery College offering interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their mental health and well-being. The Well-being Course, the first course to be offered on the Well…

Visit Well Central & Well-being Course

AGE GROUPS:  Adults /  Youth


This is not a treatment or referral site.

If you are in crisis or looking for support, please contact one of the following supports


If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency, call


or go to your local emergency department

AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


If you or someone that you care about is experiencing a crisis, please contact the Nova Scotia Provincial
Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line

902.429.8167 or


AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth


The 988: Suicide Crisis Helpline provides urgent, live, trauma-informed support by phone and text 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

Mi’kmaw Crisis and Referral

The Mi’kmaw Crisis and Referral Phone Line is available toll free 24/7 to Mi’kmaw people across the province


AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth

kids help line

More than a helpline. Call, text, chat and more to get free, confidential support using Kids Help Phone’s 24/7 e-mental health services in both English and French.

Text: 686868

AGE GROUPS: Children / Youth

Transgender Crisis Support

The transgender suicide hotline is now operating in Canada and the US. Reach out to the Trans Lifeline


AGE GROUPS: Adults / Seniors / Youth